Watson S01E03
How To Stream Watson S01E03 On FlixTor?
Watson struggles with the side affects of his recently prescribed medication in the third episode. Shinwell had replaced at Moriarty’s request in the previous episode. As a result, he keeps seeing visions, most notably of Sherlock, and engages in increasingly strange conduct that makes people notice him. He even faints at one point. This unsettling mental condition continues throughout the chapter, making the weekly case’s conclusion more difficult. In this episode, Djouliet Amara plays Molly Jones, a comedian who is diagnosed with a rare genetic disease after originally thinking she has epilepsy. In the end, this information absolves Felicia Mancini, her mother, of the 23-year-old murder of her siblings. Watch this entire series on Flixtor site.
Duration: 43 min
Country: United States